Susanna Sutherland



Susanna started her career in a utility. She focused on watershed health, capturing $1,500,000 in restoration grants for the Tennessee Valley Authority’s Environmental Policy and Planning division. She later joined TVA’s River Operations and Environment division, scheduling river flows for the 7-state system.

In 2007, Susanna was recruited into local government by the City of Knoxville to oversee final design of their waterfront redevelopment plan. She purchased property, managed construction projects, and captured $1,497,701 in funding from state and federal sources for Brownfield reclamation and design projects.

In 2009, Susanna founded the city’s first Sustainability Office with federal funds, and in 2012 it became locally funded. Projects brought in $2,480,780 in unmatched grant funds, $650,800 in new infrastructure, and are averaging annual utility bill savings of $1,392,176. In addition to building a new city office with baseline data, a strategic plan, and measurable outcomes, she started the Southeast Sustainability Directors Network and contributed to field-building publications.

In 2013, Susanna began her consulting career developing new ways to deal with climate change. She also pursued and finished her doctorate in Energy Science and Engineering.


Scott Hoffman Black


Vivek Shandas